Teacher Website Research

😊Helpful Sites for Teachers!😊 The Classroom Architect http://classroom.4teachers.org/ Classroom Arrangement- This website is a great tool to give a teacher a 3D model of a classroom that can allow them to be able to plan out on where everything is going to go. On how to model their classroom to see where and what should go in a certain place, also being allowed to color coat to represent on what the object, rug, or shelf is for a certain category. For example, you might want to put your book shelfs over by where you want your quiet area to be where children want to go for some quiet time or to read a book. Its an organized way to where you can plan out your classroom efficiently, like having a blue print. Getting Organized http://www.ourclassweb.com/sites_for_teachers_getting_organized.htm Classroom Organization- Mrs. McDavid is sharing tips on how she was being asked by other teachers on how to organize their classroom properly. She ...